Do you love tattoos AND an opportunity for supporting your local community? We do at Moscow Tattoo Company and are excited to invite you to share in a mission that weds these two passions!
We have combined our love for the community and tattooing to help support our local youth. We are hosting a back to school supply drive from 08/01/2018 to 08/27/2018. Please help us in relieving some of the back-to-school stress and worry for local families in need!
We have compiled a general list of needed school supplies below. Bring in at least one of each item on the list (in total 20) and you will receive 20% off your booked tattoo appointment (with deposit). You will receive 10% off your booked appointment if you bring in at least 10 different supplies. *Supplies must be new/unused. *OFFER ENDS 08/27/2018*
Items can be dropped off at our tattoo studio on 317 W.6th Street, Suite #108, Moscow, ID.
Please see the list of school supplies below.
Back to School Supply List:
*Backpack *Spiral notebook
*Crayons (24 pack Crayola) *Lined paper
*Elmer's glue *1" 3 ring binder
*Bottom pocket folders *Scissors
*Pearl pink erasers *Pencil Sharpener
*Colored pencils *Calculator (inexpensive)
*Markers (Crayola) *Low order dry erase markers
*Primary Composition Book (Black & White) *Tissues
*Solid wood #2 pencils *Hand sanitizer
*Zipped pencil pouch *Snacks (i.e. crackers)